I've had this page topic in my head for about 9 years now and finally I got inspired to get it done! I wanted to document some the outfits my Dad has worn over the years especially his sun that he wore for about 20 years AFTER my dog (Susie @ RB) chewed part of it up!! I'm happy to report he has replaced it. Although now I read this perhaps I should have replaced it!! Although in my defense I was probably only 10 or 11 when the hat was chewed but in my 30s when the hat was eventually replaced.
I'm really happy with how it turned out. It looked better in person (less glare off the photos).
Supplies used:
Paper: Upsy Daisy & Bazzil
Alphabet: Slice (Noteworthy) & Cuttlebug (You're not the boss of me)
Journaling: computer generated
Embellishments: A Muse pretty little pearls (chocolate)
Thanks for looking!